ARC Policy for Auckland Region

Environmental News Issue 5

Here are some extracts from the recent Discussion Document on Pest Management for the Auckland region (by the Auckland Regional Council):


Research shows that birds and lizards form a large part of cats’ diet (both domestic and feral). Limiting their impacts, particularly as part of site-led control programmes, is important for biodiversity protection.

Predatory mammals like cats are introduced species. This means native birds have developed no natural protection against cats; they commonly nest on or near the ground, and are often flightless or slow. Birds can be curious about mammals and approach them rather than fleeing. Cats are efficient hunters, catching and killing birds and other prey whether hungry or not.

The ARC would like to investigate options for domestic cat management including microchip identification, de-sexing, registration, a rule preventing dumping and cat-free rules for some subdivisions in ecologically sensitive areas.


Feral pigs have a significant negative impact on a range of native plants and eat native snails and frogs. They also damage pristine native fish environments and carry Bovine Tuberculosis. Pig numbers can increase when other pest species have been controlled. Pigs have been released into ecologically significant parks and high recreational use areas.


Sulphur-crested cockatoos are considered a major pest overseas. They form large flocks and are a threat to crops. In New Zealand they can displace native kaka, as well as kereru and bats. They are now forming flocks in the Auckland region.

The ARC would like to progressively control wild cockatoos and prohibit their release into the wild. Keeping pet cockatoos would not be affected.