
When you make a donation to Aotea Great Barrier Environmental Trust you automatically become a member - your donation is your membership fee! The sky is the limit. If you would like to make a donation and join us, to help love, protect and restore Aotea | Great Barrier Island, please fill in the form here. To pay for your membership, you have three options:

  1. You can make a direct transfer to our account - (ASB) 12-3110-0058231-00

  2. Or pay your donation through our Give-A-Little page here.

  3. Or make a donation by credit card here:


Some of our members donate monthly - if you would like to jump on this bird, please use our account number above for the automatic payment. Please use your full name as the reference.

thank you for your support!

If you have a particular cause that you would prefer your donation to be spent on, please contact us on 021 082 72377 or via